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+420 553 764 091 avemar@avemar.cz
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Série 455 - Pojistný ventil rohový


Katalogové číslo Série 455
Výrobce Goetze KG Armaturen
Teplota: -270°C .. +400°C
Tlakový rozsah: 0, 2 - 20 bar
Materiál: Nerezová oceľ
Připojení: Prírubové
DN: 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100
PN: Class 150
Médium: kvapaliny (agresívne), kvapaliny (neutrálny), kvapaliny pre solárne systémy, para, plyny (agresívne), plyny (neutrálne), vodík (H2), výpary (agresívne), výpary (neutrálne), vzduch


Safety valves made of stainless steel, angle-type with flange connections

The series of flanged safety valve 455 captivates with its consistent concept of capacity, function and design. The high capacity of the entire series from DN 20 up to DN 100 is unique in the sector of flanged safety valves. By using exclusively high-quality materials with outstanding media resistance and the option to secure the tightness towards the atmosphere on a high level with a backpressure compensating bellows, this safety valve is suitable for nearly all applications. The pressure range extends from 0.2 to 40 bar and by using metal to metal sealing; even very low temperatures of down to -270 °C can be achieved. Also extremely high temperatures can be applied up to a limit of 400 °C. The valves are available with flanges, according to DIN EN 1092-1 PN 40 on the inlet side and PN 16 on the outlet side and optionally with a lifting lever and a proximity switch for the display of the valve opening.

For the protection of:

  • pressure tanks and -systems for neutral / non-neutral vapours, gases and liquids    
  • steam boilers and steam plants
  • bulk transport vehicles for liquid, granular and dusty goods.1

Please observe plant-specific regulations and use of appropriate valve version and sealing material.

  • chemical plants, biogas plants
  • process equipment construction and medical technology (sterilizers, autoclaves)
  • secondary areas in  the food-, beverage-, pharmaceutical- and cosmetics- industries

Safety valves are set and sealed at the factory.

1only for versions with bellows

Technický dotaz

Ondřej Rozsíval, DiS.obchod a marketing

ondrej.rozsival@avemar.cz Skype: ondrej.rozsival
Tel.: +420 553 764 022 Mobil: +420 602 712 877

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Související kategorie

Pojistné, redukční a uzavírací ventily pro vodíkové aplikace TÜV/CE poistné ventily pre priemyselné aplikácie - rohové prevedenie